Upcoming public events that WAHCC is either officially hosting or participating in. The rides are easy; suitable for riders of all ages and abilities unless otherwise noted.
Western Australian Historical Cycle Club also hosts a number of member only events during the year, please see our About page for joining details.
Happy new year and all that. Like me, I reckon you’re really looking forward to our January meeting, which was due to happen this Monday, the 15th. I say ‘was’ because we’ve just been informed by Floreat Athena that the clubrooms are undergoing some major works. The works, commissioned by City of Vincent, proceeded without Floreat Athena’s knowledge. Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we can’t meet at FAFC this month or in February. Time is too tight to organise an alternate venue so the January meeting will be on Zoom (check your email for details ). I hope to see you there and please keep your eyes peeled for the Jan/Feb newsletter out any day now. Rob Frith, club chairperson.